Church God People

Asian bishops’ federation releases new book on ‘Journeying with Jesus’

The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences released a new book titled “People of Asia Journeying with Jesus” at the sideline of the continental assembly of the synodal process in Thailand on February 24.

The 150-page book authored by Father George Plathottam, sdb, executive secretary of the FABC Office of Social Communication, was presented to Cardinal Mario Greg, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican later this year.

The book contains snapshots and reflections on the “synod on synodality” in prose, verses, and art.


Father Plathottam said the book is the fruit of efforts of many people from across Asia who contributed testimonies, reflections, artworks, and stories.

The book reflects on various Asian realities and challenges for the Church.

Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon called the book “a pastoral guide for reflection for the Church in Asia.”

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