FABC Papers 013: Prayer – the Life of the Church of Asia, The Second Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, 1978
FABC Papers 012f: Second Plenary Assembly Workshop Discussion Guides: Prayer, Community Worship, and Inculturation, 1978
FABC Papers 012e: Second Plenary Assembly Workshop Discussion Guides: Prayer as Witness in the Everyday Life of the Church of Asia, 1978
FABC Papers 012d: Second Plenary Assembly Workshop Discussion Guides: Seminaries and Religious Houses as Centers of Formation for Prayer in the Asian Context, 1978
FABC Papers 012c: Second Plenary Assembly Workshop Discussion Guides: Education for Prayer in the Catholic Schools of Asia, 1978
FABC Papers 012b: Second Plenary Assembly Workshop Discussion Guides: Christian Prayer and Interreligious Dialogue: Enrichment of Christian Prayer, 1978
FABC Papers 012a: Second Plenary Assembly Workshop Discussion Guides: Evangelization, Prayer, and Human Development, 1978
FABC Papers 010: The Christian Contribution to the Life of Prayer in the Church of Asia, by Ichiro Okumura, 1978
FABC Papers 009: In the Philippines Today: Christian Faith, Ideologies… Marxism, by Various Authors, 1978