FABC Paper 183: FABC Papers Periodic Index 151-175 (2017-2022) James H. Kroeger, M.M. , See 150, July 2023
FABC Papers 125: FABC Papers Periodic Index Papers 102-125 (2001-2008), James H. Kroeger, M.M., August 2008
FABC Papers 117: The Second Vatican Council and the Church in Asia: Readings and Reflections, James H. Kroeger, M.M., General Editor, Epiphany 2006
FABC Papers 115: Inculturation in Asia: Directions, Initiatives, and Options, Introduction by James H. Kroeger, M.M., September 2005
FABC Papers 100: FABC Papers Comprehensive Index: Papers 1-100 (1976-2001), by James H. Kroeger, M.M., Pentecost 2001
FABC Papers 088: Living Mission in Asia: Recent Initiatives of Local Churches for Evangelization, by James H. Kroeger, Mission Sunday 1999