Episcopal Conference of Timor Leste

Most Rev. Norberto do Amaral
Bishop of Maliana
President of CET
Secretariado Camara Ecclesiastica G.P.O. Box 16, Estrada Cristo Rei, Lahomea, Maliana, TIMOR LESTE
Tel.: (670) 735 4123
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Secretary – Conferencia Episcopal Timorense (CET) / Episcopal Conference of Timor Leste Maloa, Dili, P.O.Box 16, Dili, Timor Leste, (VIA) AUSTRALIA
Email: [email protected]

Fr. Leandro Maria Alves
Executive Secretary – Conferencia Episcopal Timorense (CET) / Episcopal Conference of Timor Leste
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

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